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Spring and daylight savings time bring sunshine, fresh fruit, yummy seasonal produce and .. juices and smoothies. 

Even though I have probably tried hundreds of different juices and smoothies over the years this one remains the staple in our household.

Our whole family drinks it nearly every day.  My daughter drinks it as a flu fighting remedy.  I drink it to balance out the copious amounts of coffee some of my days are filled with (it’s a journey)…

It’s alkalising, and hydrating, and full of nutrition.   I take my dad huge jars of it whenever he is sick (I swear it helps) and if I haven’t had one for a while I actually feel kinda … yuk. 

You can play around with the quantities until you find a ratio that works for you – but here is our go to recipe –


Alkaline Green Juice – ingredients

Green Apples –  2 to 3 (taste and size depending)

Kale – 1 handful

Celery – 4 sticks

Lemon – half of a large one, unpeeled

Broccoli – 4cm long piece of the stem

Cucumber – half –  medium sized

Serves 1 large or 2 small.   If green juice is brand new to you and “too green”, add an extra apple for a sweeter taste initially (you can take it away later).

Keep it sealed in the fridge in a ball mason jar and it will last all afternoon – great for that mid arvo pick me up.


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